• You can return to SLIPED and verify a good ping to your site. If this is successful, call the switch or your integration support team and proceed with the integration. If it is still unsuccessful, verify the cabling again and your SFP(if a SAR F is being used).

  • Common errors and what to do.


Instructor Notes


  • You can return to SLIPED and verify a good ping to your site. If this is successful, call the switch or your integration support team and proceed with the integration.

  • If it is still unsuccessful, verify the cabling again and your SFP(if a SAR F is being used)

Common errors and what to do:

  • If you see the following error, it is saying there is an issue with defining the O&M port on the DUL.

  • This means one of two things, either the DUL/S does not have an appropriate software package on it or the DUL/S already has this port defined from a previous user.

  • The 1st requires a reload of the software and the second will just require you to roll the DUL/S back to a previous CV.

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